All day today I've thought it was Friday.
Its not.
Don't you hate that?
Turns out that not only is it not Friday its also weigh in day. Double whammy; its measurements day. *sigh*
My helpful husband woke me up before he left for work so he could help me take my measurements. That's right, he woke me up before leaving for work. Meaning he's up and dressed and I'm still snoozing away in our wonderful bed. Heck, half the time he's up and ready to go AND has set our boy up with breakfast and Disney while I slumber away. Yes, I live a charmed life. No I'm not looking forward to re-entering the 'real' world. Love you Husband!
Anywho, since he did my measurements the first time I'd like for him to keep doing them. I'm hoping that will create some consistency.
June 30 Aug 4
Arms 13.8 13.5
Chest 40 37.5
Waist 36.5 34
Hips 43 42.5
Thighs 41.5 41.5
I ALWAYS lose in my boobs first. Anyone else?!?! Its so weird. And while I don't need them to be as ginormous as they are I'd love to lose in my hips and thighs! I guess thats coming. I noticed the last time I did WW that I lost top down also. Minus my arms. Im going to have to lipo the heck out of them some day! I'm hoping that walking quasi-nightly with Patrice will help the bottom half lose a little faster.
I missed my official weigh in today. Partly because I thought it was Friday--darn you Thursday--and partly because I thought WW was open all morning for weigh ins but they're not. They are open all morning tomorrow. The REAL Friday. Ugh! I took a pic this morning but if I lost lbs at all its ounces and my 'pretty fly for a white guy' scale isn't digital.
I have not been terribly pleased with my weight loss thus far. (Yes I just used 'thus') I've paid for two months of WW and I expected better results. But I haven't been putting in the work. The program can't force me to track or measure my food. The program can't force me to not eat the bread basket at the yummy bakery in Eastern Market. So I'm mad at myself for spending the money and not using the tools. This morning I started measuring and tracking. I need to get this down before I start class in a few weeks or its never going to become habit.
For me the hardest part is still working on my vegetarian journey AND figuring out weight loss. I need to enter all of my new recipes into the WW recipe builder to figure out their PointsPlus values. The sooner I get my frequented recipes in there the easier it will be to track. I guess now is as good a time as any.
Also, that bitch Hershey has sashayed her way into my life again. Things aren't tense they're just getting ready to change so I'm all sorts of nuts. Enter comfort food. I'm throwing her out. Right now. Well, as soon as I'm done updating this here blog. The funny thing is once I banished Ms Hershey the first time I didn't really miss her. I won't say I didn't eat chocolate if we were out and about but I didn't crave it like I thought I would. At least not after the first few ugly days of withdrawls passed. For the protection of the
meek innocent, there are no pictures of those days.