Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Fat Vegetarian Enters the Room

So here it goes, the Readers Digest version. Soon after the first of the year, 2011, I decided to give up mammals; no cows, no pigs. Giving up the meat was pretty easy. So at the end of February I decided to try going all out and become a vegetarian. I gave up all animals, milk and eggs. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Even my husband was mostly on board. Turns out it was 'easy' because in reality I became a cheese-etarian and I was self soothing with chocolate. I was struggling with these new weird ingredients and with finding a way for my son and husband to eat them with me without to much complaining. Hello cheese covered everything. And the chocolate? Well it soothes my soul.

I have always struggled with my weight but, thanks to a Weight Watchers stint last year, I was at a weight that I was comfortable at. Was it my ideal weight? No. Was it a healthy weight for my size? BMI votes no. I still, in my mind at least, wanted to lose 20 more pounds but I was pretty happy with just holding steady where I was.

Once the onslaught of cheese and chocolate took hold the weight started coming back. And not one or two pounds at a time, but five pounds and then ten. So I admitted to a good friend that the ten pounds I had put on really ticked me off but not enough to put down the Hershey bar. What was I to do? I was mad at the ten pounds, I was mad at myself but I just couldn't get mad at the dang Hershey bar, I mean, its chocolate! My life long friend. I decided that my only option was to put down the chocolate and do something. I started finding some really great vegetarian and vegan blogs that helped set me on a more healthy vegetarian track. I decided I'm definitely not a huge tofu fan (read: hate it) but quinoa and tempeh are pretty dang good. But now here I sit with ten pounds more than my 'comfortable yet unhealthy' weight with another 20+ pounds to go.

In the interest of 'doing something'  I rejoined Weight Watchers today, although, Thursdays will be my official weigh in day. Last time I used the program I lost the weight with portion control and staying within my points. I didn't exercise, despite the fact that they encourage you to, I just don't like to. Sorry Laura! Maybe I'll try to this time. We'll see.

Anyhow, I plan to use this blog to hold myself accountable. I plan to share my journey and my struggle. I expect that no one but my mom and good friend(s?) will read this. And thats alright.

Oh, in the interest of accountability I'm planning on sharing what Ive had to eat each day. Check it out if you're up for it. I'll link back to the recipes I've found online.

Get fired up!


  1. Proud of you Em!! ... and funny thing, WW on FB just posted this today... "Thinking about going vegetarian? The key to staying satisfied is making sure you’re still getting enough protein. Pick up a copy of the July/August issue of Weight Watchers Magazine to see how one reader learns how to make her vegetarian diet work with the PointsPlus® program. You can also subscribe here: http://bit.ly/jxmDlJ".... and even funnier you're the one who turned me on to this magazine, so I know you'll have it soon :-D Love ya girly and am excited that you're on this journey with me!! xoxo - Tara

  2. Thanks Tara! I don't subscribe so I'll be looking for it at Target or the WW meeting tomorrow!
