Thursday, June 30, 2011

Truthful Thursday

This morning my son woke me up around 230am. His pj's were wet, totally a justifiable reason to wake mommy. I took care of things and got him back to sleep only to have him start crying a little while later. Needless to say it was a sleepless morning for me! My husband was great and got up with the boy this morning, at 7:00a, fed him, dressed him and let me sleep. Normally this would have been awesome, and it was, but it threw the entire morning off. I needed to get myself dressed, the boy to school and to my first official weigh in at WW before heading to Bible Study and a meeting for my Masters program. Thankfully I made it all...just a little later than expected.

So here it is. I weighed myself at home before eating and then headed out and was weighed dressed and fed. Its time to get real and to be accountable. Here are the pictures.

Is it just me or did my clothes and light --I swear!-- breakfast add close to 5lbs! Grrr! Next time I will demand they weigh me naked! And away from the windows. Because being naked AND in front of the windows, well, that would just be awkward.

WW suggests, as did my personal trainer turned good friend Laura, that you take measurements. Mine are shameful! But in the interest of Truthful Thursday and with the knowledge that they will improve and the hope that they might inspire someone else to start their own weight loss journey here they are.

Arms-13 3/4"  Hips- 43"  Bust- 40"  Waist-36 1/2"  Thighs-41.5"

I plan to do these monthly. And, I had my husband help me do them! Hows that for transparency! --side note Im not entirely certain we measured in the exactly correct area but we will continue to measure in the same spot so even if we're off somehow at least we'll be consistent! Oh, and its also totally sobering, frustrating and somewhat depressing to learn that your arms, waist and pretty much all of you measures larger than your husband. At least I can go to sleep tonight knowing that I weigh less than he does. Even if its not by much. That's me, keepin' it real people.

***Food ratings: Breakfast-good, mid-morning snack-bad, lunch-good, dinner- good Its currently 9:49p and Im hungry. Im blaming it on my weak breakfast, while healthy it was meager, and my poor snack choices.

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